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  • 132462
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  • Off You [¿øÅ°] -¸á·ÎµðMR
  • °¡¼ö
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  • À½Á¤
  • ¿øÅ°¡¡¡¡
  • ±¸ºÐ
  • °¡¿ä(Lite MR)
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  • ¸ÅÀÏ ³ÊÀÇ ÇÏ·ç´Â
    ¾î¶»°Ô Èê·¯ °¥Áö ±Ã±ÝÇØ
    ÇÑ ¹ß ¸Ö¸®¼­ ¹Ù¶ó¸¸ º¸±â¿£
    ³» ¼º°Ý ±ÞÇؼ­
    ¾î´À»õ ÀüÈ­ °É°í ÀÖ³×
    ¾È³ç ¾È ¹Ù»Ú¸é ³ª¿Í
    ³ª ½Ã°£ÀÌ Á¶±Ý ¶°
    Àá±ñÀÌ¶óµµ ÁÁ¾Æ
    ¸¶ÁÖ ¾É¾Æ ÀÖ°í ½Í¾î
    I can`t take my eyes off you
    I can`t take my eyes off you
    I can`t take my eyes off you
    Can`t take my eyes
    Can`t take my eyes
    Off you
    You`re the one
    Yes you`re the one & only
    You`re the one
    Yes you`re the one & only
    You`re the one
    Yes you`re the one & only
    You`re the one
    You`re the one
    ³Ê¸¦ µé¿©º¸³¾
    ½Ã°£ÀÌ °¡±î¿öÁ® ¾î´À»õ
    »¡°³Áø ¾ó±¼ ¼û±ää
    °¡¸¸È÷ ¹Ù¶óº¸°í ½Í¾î¼­
    Ⱦ¼³¼ö¼³ Çϳ×
    ÇÑ Àܸ¸ ´õ ÇØ
    ¹ú½á µé¾î°¡±â ½È¾î¼­ ±×·¡
    Àá±ñÀÌ¶óµµ ÁÁ¾Æ
    ¸¶ÁÖ ¾É¾ÆÀÖ°í ½Í¾î
    I can`t take my eyes off you
    I can`t take my eyes off you
    I can`t take my eyes off you
    Can`t take my eyes
    Can`t take my eyes
    Off you
    You`re the one
    Yes you`re the one & only
    You`re the one
    Yes you`re the one & only
    You`re the one
    Yes you`re the one & only
    You`re the one
    You`re the one