• mr0u³Ý
  • 132175
  • ¹Ì¸®
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  • UNKNOWN [-1Å°] MR
  • °¡¼ö
  • NCT Dream(¿£½ÃƼ µå¸²)
  • À½Á¤
  • -1Å°¡¡¡¡
  • ±¸ºÐ
  • °¡¿ä(Lite MR)
  • ¡¡

  • ÁöÄ£ ÇÏ·ç ³¡¿¡
    ´Ù½Ã ¹«³ÊÁ® ³»·Á
    ¸ØÃç ¼­Áö ¾Ê°Ô
    ³» À̸§À» ºÒ·¯Áà

    Ȧ·Î ¿õÅ©¸° ä
    Á¡Á¡ ±íÀÌ Çì¸Å ³Í
    So you keep on holding it back
    But you can`t see how

    ³¸¼± ¼¼»ó ¼Ó¿¡¼­
    ³Î ±â´Ù¸®°í ÀÖ¾î
    Why`d you ever doubt it?
    No never be scared of trying

    Àá½Ã Àؾú´ø ²Þµé¿¡
    ´Ù½Ã ´êÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ°Ô
    ³ÊÀÇ ¸¾ÀÇ ¼Ò¸®¸¦ µé¾î baby
    So, what if all of this could just
    be so easy just like

    Don`t change, let go
    Be brave, be strong
    But take it easy, no rush
    I know you got it
    Go, fail forward
    Go get your voice heard, don`t fold
    ´Ù½Ã ³Î ã¾Æ°¡ Into the UNKNOWN

    Don`t let it be
    Go chase your dreams
    Dive in, dive in, into the UNKNOWN
    ÇÑ °ÉÀ½¾¿ ´õ °¡±îÀÌ

    ´Ù½Ã ³Î ã¾Æ°¡ Into the UNKNOWN

    ÀØÁö´Â ¸¶ Your reasons
    ¿À´ÃÀÇ ³Ê¸¦ À§ÇØ
    ´Þ·Á¿Ô´ø ³¯ÀÇ Story
    I won`t let it fade away

    ¾îµÒ ¼ÓÀÇ Memory
    ±æÀ» ÀÒ¾î¹ö·È´ø You & Me
    And in the ice cold nights,
    I`ll be guiding you right
    And I promise that
    you can count on me like

    You got one more shot
    Tell me how you gon` get it
    (gon` get it)
    Don`t try
    and you never gon` get it
    (oh yeah)
    ÷ ±×³¯Ã³·³ ³Î Rewind
    ´Ù½Ã Look in your eyes
    Áö±Ý ÀÌ ¼ø°£

    ¼³·½ÀÌ ´Ù½Ã ¸ô¾ÆÄ¥ ¶§
    ÇÑ ¹ø ´õ ³Î ¸Ã±ä ä
    ¿ë±â ³»º¼ ¼ö ÀÖ°Ô
    »õ·Î¿î ²ÞÀ» ²ã
    We won`t stop
    You can break it
    °¤Çô¹ö¸° ÇѰ踦 ±ú
    And now you see that

    °°Àº Àå¸é ¼Ó¿¡¼­
    ¾ÆÁ÷ Çì¸Å°í ÀÖ¾î
    Why`d you ever doubt it?
    No never be scared of trying

    Àá½Ã Àؾú´ø ²Þµé¿¡
    ´Ù½Ã ´êÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ°Ô
    ³ÊÀÇ ¸¾ÀÇ ¼Ò¸± µé¾î baby

    Don`t change, let go
    Be brave, be strong
    But take it easy, no rush
    I know you got it
    Go, fail forward
    Go get your voice heard, don`t fold
    ´Ù½Ã ³Î ã¾Æ°¡ Into the UNKNOWN

    Don`t let it be
    Go chase your dreams
    Dive in, dive in, into the UNKNOWN
    ÇÑ °ÉÀ½¾¿ ´õ °¡±îÀÌ

    And I know that

    ¶Ù¾îµé¾î ³Ê¸¦ ÇâÇØ
    µÎ·Á¿öµµ ³×°¡ ¸¸µé¾î³½
    Æĵ¿¿¡ Dive in
    Dive in
    I don`t know what ocean
    ±ä ¼û ½¬°í ¹Ø¿¡ ´ê¾Æ
    Pearls reflect our

    °ÅÄ£ Æĵµº¸´Ù
    ¸¶À½ÀÇ °¥¸ÁÀÌ ´õ ÀÏÀ¸ÄÑ Wave
    Be brave (Be brave)
    Be strong (Be strong)
    Dive into the UNKNOWN now

    Don`t change, let go
    Be brave, be strong
    But take it easy, no rush
    I know you got it
    Go, fail forward
    Go get your voice heard, don`t fold
    ´Ù½Ã ³Î ã¾Æ°¡ Into the UNKNOWN

    Don`t let it be
    Go chase your dreams
    Dive in, dive in, into the UNKNOWN
    ÇÑ °ÉÀ½¾¿ ´õ °¡±îÀÌ

    ´Ù½Ã ³Î ã¾Æ°¡ Into the UNKNOWN

    Say what you like
    ÀÌ·¸°Ô ³Ê¸¦ ºÎ¸£ÀÝ¾Æ oh yeah
    I know you try
    ²Þ²Ù´ø ³Ê¸¦ ÀØÁö´Â ¸¶
    (I know you try)

    So say what you like
    ¶Ç ´Ù¸¥ ²Þ¿¡ ´êÀ» ¶§±îÁö

    ´Ù½Ã ³Î ã¾Æ°¡ Into the UNKNOWN