• mr0u³Ý
  • 132168
  • ¹Ì¸®
  • Á¦¸ñ
  • Carat Cake [¿øÅ°] MR
  • °¡¼ö
  • NCT Dream(¿£½ÃƼ µå¸²)
  • À½Á¤
  • ¿øÅ°¡¡¡¡
  • ±¸ºÐ
  • °¡¿ä(Lite MR)
  • ¡¡

  • Wow wow wow wow

    What`s that thing on my wrist?
    What`s that thing on my wrist?
    Never seen nothing like this
    Never seen nothing like this

    ¸ô·¡ ³¬¾Æä È×
    ÀÌ¹Ì Å½ÇÑ ´«ºû
    ³Í ¸ø °¨Ãç Saying "Wow!"
    ¿ÜÃÄ Asking how

    What`s that? What`s that?
    Ä¿Áö´Â Eyes
    What`s that? What`s that?
    ³¸¼± ±× Bright
    What`s that? What`s that?
    oh ´«À» ¶ß´Â ±× ¼ø°£

    Oh my god ³× ¸¾ °¡µæÇØÁø
    ¹¦ÇÑ Magic
    That`s a couple hundred carats
    Ä¿Á® Siren
    Bu-Bu-Burning up
    I just want it all
    I just want it all yeah
    ³Î À§ÇÑ
    Whole jewelry store on my hand

    Wow wow wow wow
    That`s a Carat Cake
    Wow Don`t know how
    That`s a Carat Cake

    Åõ¸íÇÑ ±× ºû
    Hit the heart like "clink"
    Got you saying
    Wow wow wow wow
    That`s a Carat Cake

    Carat Cake Carat Carat Cake
    Carat Cake Carat Carat Cake
    Carat Cake Carat Carat Cake
    Wow wow wow wow

    Diamonds maybe I`m Daim?n
    ȲȦÇÑ Shining
    I try to hide it
    You just can`t hide this

    yeah ³× ¸¾À» Hit hit hit
    ÇÒ ¼ö·Ï Sweet sweet sweet
    ºüÁ® ´õ Deep deep deep
    We`re going high
    ¼ÖÁ÷ÇØÁ® Oh my god

    What`s that? What`s that?
    ´ÞÄÞÇÑ ¸¶À½
    What`s that? What`s that?
    ¹øÁö´Â Shine
    What`s that? What`s that?
    oh ¼Õ¿¡ ÀâÈù ±× ¼ø°£

    Oh my god µéÄѹö¸° Savage
    ¹Ì¼Ò¸¶Àú Hundred carats
    that`s amazing
    Bu-Bu-Burning up
    I just want it all
    I just want it all yeah
    ³Î À§ÇÑ
    Whole jewelry store on my hand

    Wow wow wow wow
    That`s a Carat Cake
    Wow Don`t know how
    That`s a Carat Cake

    Åõ¸íÇÑ ±× ºû Hit the heart like "clink"
    Got you saying
    Wow wow wow wow
    That`s a Carat Cake

    Carat Cake Carat Carat Cake
    Carat Cake Carat Carat Cake
    Carat Cake Carat Carat Cake
    Wow wow wow wow